a little run around birmingham

It’s not just a little run around Birmingham, is it?

It’s intrigue when you hear about the running tour concept,

It’s excitement booking something fun and different,

And then anticipation (FINALLY) having something to look forward to in the diary,

It’s bravery having nervous thoughts about pace, distance and new social situations and doing it anyway,

It’s relief knowing your nerves were wrong (that showed YOU worried voice in my head),

It’s laugher at our dad jokes,

It’s connection to some new found friends,

It’s inclusivity, knowing you’re running with Rahema who’s done 100 marathons and Jon who started running during lockdown, but it doesn't matter,

It’s falling back in love with Brum,

It’s achievement if you pushed yourself to do a sprint finale, or clapped those that did,

It’s accidentally getting fitter,

It's a post run tired, sweaty buzz,

It’s impressing your friends and family after with fun facts,

It’s inspiration to go and run with new people in new places, now the World’s opening back up,

It’s a run of a kind.




RUNNING OUT OF LOCKDOWN: post “freedom day”